Iran Seeking Shortcut To Make Nuclear Bomb - U.S. #DonaldTrump's return raises fears of #Iran's rapid nuclear weapons development | Watch As former US President Donald Trump returns to the White House, concerns over Iran's nuclear ambitions resurface. The U.S. intelligence reports suggest that Iran is investigating ways to rapidly develop nuclear weapons. A covert team of iranian scientists is reportedly seeking shortcuts to convert uranium into bombs in months, rather than years. Iran’s engineers are exploring how to rapidly turn stockpiles of nuclear fuel into a workable, but perhaps crude, atomic weapon, should the country’s leaders decide to race for a bomb, U.S. officials said. Their findings, based on intelligence collected in the final months of the Biden administration, suggest that Iran’s military is feeling diminished. The country’s proxy forces have been eviscerated, and its missile attack on Israel failed last year. Tehran’s military is now seriously exploring new options to deter an Israeli or U.S. attack. The new evidence will almost certainly be a part of discussions today in Washington between Trump and Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Iran Seeking Shortcut To Make Nuclear Bomb - U.S. #DonaldTrump's return raises fears of #…

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